Delete My Account

Playground Buddy by Birds Eye Technology


  1. In Playground Buddy App, select the menu icon (menu is three grey dots that usually appear in the upper right corner on phones)
  2. Choose “Settings”
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the list and click “Delete My Account”
  4. When prompted confirm that you’d like your account deleted, by pressing “Yes, Delete My Account”
  5. At this point, you will be signed out and your Account details (email and username) permanently removed from our system.

non-Android User Account Deletion

  1. Visit the Contact Us page and fill in a request for account deletion with your email address.
  2. We will send an email to the account in question to confirm that you own the account
  3. Respond to the account deletion confirmation email
  4. We will delete your account

Retained Information

All personal information (email, username) is removed. However, any improvements such as comments, ratings, photos and/or details about playground listings are retained.